How Often Should I See A Chiropractor While Pregnant?

Everyone’s pregnancy is different and unique – there’s no “right” or “wrong”. This is one of the most important things I remind all my pregnant mothers! When it comes to recommending frequency of visits for prenatal Chiropractic care, it’s no different.

However, there is a general gauge/range we can follow, so here is my rule of thumb that I normally communicate across:

1st Trimester – once a month or less; some mums prefer waiting out their first trimester before coming in regularly, which I am totally OK with!

2nd Trimester – once every 1-3 weeks

3rd Trimester – can range between 2x a week to once every 1-2 weeks

4th Trimester (can start as early as 2-3 weeks after birth or after you complete your confinement, however typically a full 3 months after birth for c-sec mums) – once a week, but depending on whenever you get time to get out of the house! Some mothers do drop by for 1-2 adjustments in the middle of their confinement.

I find that having a “guide” helps my patients better manage their expectations for the journey ahead, especially with planing around the commitment required of them. Of course it goes without saying that I believe that almost everyone would benefit from regular Chiropractic care (as frequently as possible honestly!) BUT this is rarely ever feasible in regards to time and finances.

So we spent some time thinking about a plan that could more specifically help our prenatal patients, and we came up with a very special package just for our mummies-to-be! This helps mums come in as frequently as they need, especially when they’re in their 3rd trimester, without worrying too much about the additional cost and with postpartum care provided.

If you’re interested in getting prenatal Chiropractic care, drop us a WhatsApp/call by clicking here (Welo PJ +6011-6262 6038) or here (Welo KL +6010-552 6038)!