Chiropractic During Pregnancy

Dr Sarah and Dr Loh while she was in her third trimester

Since getting certified as Webster technique Chiropractors last year (read more about our trip to the US here), we’ve been seeing more and more pregnant patients in clinic. While most mums come in with some form of pain to resolve, there are many other benefits to seeing a prenatal chiropractor throughout pregnancy. Some of the top benefits we have personally observed in clinic are:

  1. Reduction of aches and pains during pregnancy
  2. Quicker/smoother births
  3. Improved sleep
  4. Improved breathing patterns
  5. Help with better understanding your birth plan – mental prep!
Why do we encourage patients to see Prenatal Chiropractors?

Prenatal Chiropractic looks pretty different from a normal adjustment. We focus heavily on balancing out pelvic imbalances, which in turn regulates our mothers’ nervous systems, reduce pelvic tension, and help babies get into their optimal position for birth. 

Dr Loh examining one of our pregnant patients

We typically understand adjustments to have a lot of turning/twisting and involving body drops to move joints in the lower back. In Webster, this is avoided by getting our patients to lie face down on a pregnancy pillow and using something called “drop pieces”, where our chiropractic table assists us to deliver gentle yet effective movements to the pelvic joints! 

Watch a more in-depth video on exactly what goes on in a Webster adjustment here.

Here are what some of our own mamas in clinic have to say about their experience with Prenatal Chiropractic:

We love seeing pregnant mothers in clinic because we love empowering them in making educated and healthy choices for their bodies and their babies. It’s never about an adjustment alone, but about the whole process of taking care of our bodies and maintaining wellness – this starts young. For your future kids, it would quite literally start even before birth!

If you want to know more, contact us on WhatsApp at +6011-6262 6038, or drop us an DM on Instagram @welochiro to find out how our Prenatal and Postpartum Chiropractors in PJ can help you.